Saturday, May 08, 2004

From David Brooks this morning:

"To conserve our strategy, we have to fundamentally alter our tactics. To shore up public confidence, the U.S. has to make it clear that it is considering fresh approaches.

We've got to acknowledge first that the old debates are obsolete. I wish the U.S could still go off, after Iraq, at the head of "coalitions of the willing" to spread democracy around the world. But the brutal fact is that the events of the past year have discredited that approach. Nor is the U.N. a viable alternative. A body dominated by dictatorships is never going to promote democratic values. For decades, the U.N. has failed as an effective world power.

We've got to reboot. We've got to come up with a global alliance of democracies to embody democratic ideals, harness U.S. military power and house a permanent nation-building apparatus, filled with people who actually possess expertise on how to do this job. "

Great idea. A league of Democracies. For anyone actually interested in what this might look like, look up David Brooks' New York Times colleague (and brilliant anti-war writer) Chris Hedges' articles in Harper's magazine from about a year ago. (hey, David, give credit where credit is due!)


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